If you’ve ever wanted to catch your breath and clear your head, mindfulness can help. Mindfulness techniques ground us and help us become more
resilient to life’s challenges.
Amy Roberts, LCSW and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher at the Robert Boisonneault Oncology Institute, says that developing a beginner’s mind is key. “It’s living in the moment and being aware of the moment you’re in,” she explains. “Being aware of your reactions, your thoughts, your body, but in a way that’s patient and trusting. A childlike curiosity.”
Being non-judgmental is central to mindfulness. “You’re noticing you’re having some reactions or some feelings, and going, ‘Huh. That’s interesting,’ Roberts says. “Not judging it as right or wrong, or good or bad, but being curious about your feelings, emotions, or responses. It’s really extending a kindness inward, but also to those around you.”
Roberts points to studies showing that mindfulness improves memory and concentration. Mindfulness can also decrease stress, anxiety, and depression, while improving quality of life and one’s ability to cope. Citing an American Society of Clinical Oncology study, she says, “After an 8-week course, these concepts, tools, and mindset that you’re learning stay with you.
The skills you learn show long-term improvement. It’s not just a temporary release.”
Roberts offers Friday meditation sessions on Zoom and will give a weekly mindfulness class starting on Tuesday, January 17. Both are free, but pre-registration is required for the class.
To learn more about mindfulness programs at RBOI, call 352-732-0277
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